CLOSED until May 11 due to the birth of our baby 🥰🍼
As we already told you in this post in mid-April we will have a baby. For this reason, our online store will be CLOSED for a few days. We will only process orders until April 3. Orders that arrive before that date will be processed now, the rest will be processed in order, from May 11. If you need reeds or any other product, please make your order as soon as possible.
We will return on May 11. For urgent orders you can contact our dealers. For any questions contact us at Thank you for your understanding.
⚠️⚠️ Please note that shipments may be delayed by the reduced service of the Post Office or the express delivery company. Some countries may have temporary restrictions on shipments. For international shipments, you can contact us at before placing your order to find out if we can ship to your country.
See you soon at 😀!!
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