Conference by Edmon Elgström at Conservatory of Music of Navarre, Spain.
The author of the post „The solution to play the oboe with a greater degree of comfort“, Edmon Elgström will soon give a conference on the same subject. It will be on February 14 at 6 pm at Conservatory of Music of Navarre, Pamplona (Spain) – Auditorium Fernando Remacha.
Free entrance.
„Resources to optimize the use of the body and breathing in the instrumental practice“.
The main subjects of the conference will be:
- Function of the respiratory mechanics for the execution of the woodwind instruments, attending to the bases of physiology and biomechanics.
- The role of the body as a propitiator of the correct respiratory mechanics.
- Proprioception as an enabler of correct body posture and the use of adequate respiratory mechanics.
- Physiotherapeutic techniques indicated for the correction of bad posture and bad respiratory habits.
- Main methods of body education appropriate for the maintenance of posture and respiratory mechanics in the practice of woodwind instruments.
More info.
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