Professional oboe reed EG-REEDS – staple 45.
We announce that we have a new product available on our website. Many people had asked us and it is already possible. Professional oboe reeds EG-REEDS now also with staple Chiarugi 45 2.
Professional oboe reed EG-REEDS.
Just choose a few features and EG-REEDS will make your reeds for you. You will get top quality reeds. Choose your staple and hardness. The rest is provided by the experience of EG-REEDS professionals. Diameter is 10 – 10,5mm, length of the finished reed is under the staple* and scraped length is between 10 and 11mm. Your reeds will reach your doorstep ready to give your personal touch and enjoy playing.
*Staple length – 47mm — Length of finished reed – 72mm.
Staple length – 46mm — Length of finished reed – 71mm.
Staple length – 45mm — Length of finished reed – 70mm.
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