What do you need to make your oboe reeds?
If you are starting to make your own oboe reeds you will wonder what basic tools you need. We present our oboe reed making kit with all the necessary tools to make your oboe reeds.
This oboe reed making set includes:
- Chiarugi knife
- Mandrel for oboe
- 5 Chiarugi staples 47 2
- Multicolor Thread
- 0.30 brass wire
- Pliers
- 20 units of shaped cane for students (2 packages)
- Ebony cutting block Chiarugi
- Black plaque
- Guide for tying reeds
- Teflon tape
- Case
This kit is designed to start with the world of reed making.
Save more than 20% on your oboe accessories by buying this set with all the basic tools included.
Do you know about our oboe for beginners?
If you are starting your oboe studies we would like to introduce you our Beginner Oboe EG-REEDS.
Our Beginner Oboe EG-REEDS has all the necessary keys for beginning students. It is semi-automatic, with third octave, B 2, and F and E flat of the left hand. They are made in composite (mix of wood and ABS) with silver plated keys, adapted for students to get better at them. All this makes a light and ergonomic oboe but at the same time very resistant and easy to sound. Included in the price is the carrying case type backpack, 3 Beginner reeds EG-REEDS, cleaners and a screwdriver.
Each oboe has been carefully designed and tested, applying our knowledge and also taking as reference the requests of the teachers, who know better than anyone what the students need.
Professionelle Oboenrohr 901
Professionelle Oboenrohr M2
Oboe für Fortgeschrittene EG-REEDS
Oboenrohr Mayer
Schüler Oboe EG-REEDS.
Fasson für Oboe EG-REEDS
Oboenrohr für Studenten (Einsteiger) EG-REEDS
Professionelle Rohr für Englisch Horn EG-REEDS
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