EG-REEDS October 2020 Summary

EG-REEDS October 2020 Summary.

We bring you a brief summary of all the posts, videos, photos and interviews that we have published on our blog and EG-REEDS social networks during October 2020.








We started the month with the publication of the video demonstration of our beginner oboes by Javier Perez, co-principal oboe at the Oviedo Filarmonía Orchestra (Asturias, Spain).

Testing Beginner oboes EG-REEDS by Javier Perez @kakilyn


On our YouTube channel we also publish a video on how to assemble and disassemble the oboe, specially designed for the first contact with the oboe.


How to assemble and disassemble the oboe by Éric González – EG-REEDS.



We also launched a small survey on Facebook to find out what your preferences were about the wire in the reeds. Wire vs not wire:


During this month we have published some photos on our Instagram account:  instagram @egreeds



oboe reeds with wire


In our interview section we have had a very busy month with the interviews of the oboists Philippe Tondre and María Sournatcheva.


You can check the interview with Philippe Tondre at the following link:




Interview with María Sournatcheva:




Finally you can also reed our post about parts of the oboe reed scrape (only in Spanish, soon in English):




Stay tuned to our social networks, we will continue to publish things about the oboe and oboe reeds world.

Regards and good reeds!

Oboe pumpkin Eric Gonzalez october 2020 EG-REEDS



Ce produit a plusieurs variations. Les options peuvent être choisies sur la page du produit
Ce produit a plusieurs variations. Les options peuvent être choisies sur la page du produit
Ce produit a plusieurs variations. Les options peuvent être choisies sur la page du produit
Ce produit a plusieurs variations. Les options peuvent être choisies sur la page du produit
Ce produit a plusieurs variations. Les options peuvent être choisies sur la page du produit

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