Archivio Categoria: Ance oboe

Mayer reed a new professional oboe reed made by EG-REEDS.

Mayer reed

Mayer reed a new professional oboe reed made by EG-REEDS. Mayer reed is a new professional oboe reed made by the experience of EG-REEDS professionals. The combination of Mayer staple with Mayer shape together with our EG-REEDS material and our experience, result in a professional reed with a wide and dark sound, stable tuning and […]

Albrecht Mayer oboe staples by Guercio

Albrecht Mayer oboe staples by Guercio

Albrecht Mayer oboe staples by Guercio. We are happy to add to our catalog the fantastic Albrecht Mayer oboe staples by Guercio. Guercio is very well known in the oboe world due to his high quality oboe and English horn staples.   Remember to visit our Oboe staple comparator if you like to know more about oboe staples […]

Mini profiling machine Willy Wettstein for oboe and English horn

Mini profiling machine Willy

Mini profiling machine Willy Wettstein for oboe and English horn. We are delight to introduce you the mini profiling machine Willy Wettstein for oboe and English horn reeds, made by the Swiss engineer Willy Wettstein. This oboe and English Horn profiler is made by using the finest materials and the world-renowned Swiss precision. Willy Wettstein worked […]


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