Assistant principal oboe position for the Orchestra and Choir of the Community of Madrid (Spain).
Call for auditions to fill an assistant principal oboe position with English horn obligation for the Orchestra and Choir of the Community of Madrid (Spain).
Audition: September 26, 2023 at 09:00. Fundación Orquesta y Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid, located at C/ Mar Caspio 4, 28033 Madrid.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Be a citizen of the European Union or be in possession of a valid work permit (applicants who are not citizens of the European Union must attach a work permit or undertake to present it prior to the start of activity of the position offered, under penalty of losing the right to the job).
- To have completed higher studies in music in the specialty being auditioned.
- Not to be legally or medically incapacitated for the development of the job offered in this call.
- Complete registration before the deadline, attaching the documents requested in the application.
Registration will be done exclusively through the MUVAC platform on the following page:
Deadline for registration: until July 26, 2023.
Pre-selection of candidates by CV and video: The evaluating board will select, through the study of the CVs provided on the MUVAC platform and the video recording requested, the number of candidates it deems appropriate for the in-person audition. The video will have to appear in the MUVAC candidate profile and the repertoire to be presented in the recording will be:
Performance of the Exposition of the 1st movement (without cadenza) of the Concerto for oboe K314 in C. Without piano accompaniment.
Performance of the English horn excerpt from A. Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9.
Candidates will be informed of their admission to the in-person audition through the MUVAC platform (by email) on August 7 and the list of those selected will be made public on the website:
Likewise, each selected candidate will be assigned a time for his or her in-person audition.
Admitted candidates must confirm their attendance at least 7 days in advance. Otherwise, it will be understood that they decline the invitation for the in-person audition. This confirmation will be made through the MUVAC platform.
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