Open day at Lisbon School of Music, Portugal.

I share with you the information about an open day at Lisbon school of music.

There will be an “Open Day” on April 1st at Lisbon School of Music between 1:30pm and 6:00pm open to oboists interested in doing higher studies in oboe. No registration is required and masterclasses (free) will be taught by class teachers – Andrew Swinnerton and Pedro Ribeiro (in two rooms). Students from the school will also be present to showcase the magnificent facilities of ESML, where it will be possible to attend the concert of the Wind Orchestra. In addition to classes we will also give importance to the production of reeds.

More info:

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Questo prodotto ha più varianti. Le opzioni possono essere scelte nella pagina del prodotto
Questo prodotto ha più varianti. Le opzioni possono essere scelte nella pagina del prodotto

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