Oboe reed cases 20 Reeds wood.
Are you looking for oboe reed cases? This week we add to our catalog oboe reed cases for 20 reeds. A reed case made of wood. From now on you can buy it in our online store www.eg-reeds.com . On the website you can buy reeds, processed cane and a lot of accessories for reedmaking. Comment below if you are looking for some other accessory that we do not have online.
Oboe Reed Case 20 Reeds.
Oboe reed case for 20 reeds made of wood in two different colors. Carries a fastening system in the middle of the reed, to prevent movements and the damage of the tip. On both sides has small holes for ventilation. The reed case provides an ideal storage and the best way of transport for your reeds.
プロ・オーボエ葦 901
プロ・オーボエ葦 M2
セミプロフェッショナルオーボエ EG-REEDS
プロ・オーボエ葦 Mayer
初心者向けオーボエ EG-REEDS
舟形オーボエケーン EG-REEDS (shaped)
プロイングリッシュホルン葦 EG-REEDS
Albrecht Mayer
Heinz Holliger
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