Category Archives: 오보에 리드

Reeds ‘n stuff profiling machine demo by Udo Heng.

Reeds 'n stuff profiling machine

Reeds ‘n stuff profiling machine demo by Udo Heng. We are pleased to announce that we’re now Reeds ´n stuff dealers. From now on we will be adding new products regularly. The first product is the profiling machine that is now available! And we have a surprise for you recorded at Frankfurt Messe. Reeds ‘n stuff profiling machine demo by Udo […]

American Style – Gouged oboe cane EG-REEDS

Gouged oboe cane

American Style – Gouged oboe cane EG-REEDS. We are happy to announce that we have a new product available on our website. Now, gouged oboe cane also with American style.   Gouged oboe cane EG-REEDS (10 units). Cane gouged using the latest tools for the highest precision. Our pieces of gouged canes are selected according […]

Professional oboe reed EG-REEDS – staple 45

oboe reeds EG-REEDS

Professional oboe reed EG-REEDS  – staple 45. We announce that we have a new product available on our website. Many people had asked us and it is already possible. Professional oboe reeds EG-REEDS now also with staple Chiarugi 45 2.     Professional oboe reed EG-REEDS. Just choose a few features and EG-REEDS will make your […]


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