Author Archives: Éric González

Online Oboefest EG-REEDS second week.

Online Oboefest EG-REEDS second week.

Online Oboefest EG-REEDS second week. We continue with this week’s schedule. We thank all of you who are participating and watching our oboe festival online! This week our festival will be broadcast on our YouTube channel: We will update the information on our blog and social networks.   YOUTUBE FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM @egreeds Thanks to everyone […]

Online Oboefest EG-REEDS.

Online oboefest EG-REEDS

Online Oboefest EG-REEDS. Here is the schedule for this week. There are still some things to close …. but this is already underway! ONLINE OBOEFEST! We will update the information on our blog and social networks. FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM @egreeds Visit our instagram account to see the videos (@egreeds). Thanks to everyone for participating! In our […]


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