Категория архива: Гобой

Amelia Coleman & Cristian Moré — FIMValencia 2018

Amelia Coleman & Cristian Moré

Amelia Coleman & Cristian Moré — FIMValencia 2018. Oboe course with Amelia Coleman & Cristian Moré. Valencia Internacional Music Festival. FIMValencia 2018. Date: July 17 to 21, 2018. Place:  Almussafes, Valencia, Spain. Oboe teachers: Amelia Coleman & Cristian Moré Registration: until June 9, 2018  https://www.fimvalencia.com/inscripcion More information: https://www.fimvalencia.com Amelia Coleman — Oboe   Cristian Moré — oboe     […]


Eric Gonzalez

Masterclass oboe Eric Gonzalez in Lugo (Spain). Who?: Eric Gonzalez   www.ericgonzalezoboe.com   Where?: Conservatorio Xoán Montes, Lugo (Spain) When?: 2nd and 3th of March 2018 Price: € 80 active students / € 25 hearing students. Inscription: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3yCnTpanCBfUUdHOUJMZDhzcDU1bjNmLWtvRzBJV3doYTF3/view Do you want to organize an oboe course in your conservatory? Contact us: www.eg-reeds.com/contact

João Miguel Silva won the Michał Spisak Competition with EG-REEDS cane

João Miguel Silva

João Miguel Silva won the 11th Michał Spisak International Music Competition with EG-REEDS cane. Congratulations to João Miguel Silva who won the 11th Michał Spisak International Music Competition in Poland. We are very happy for him and proud and grateful that he uses our EG-REEDS material. Congratulations also to Gabriel Pidoux who also won the first prize and to […]


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