Автор: Éric González


Eric Gonzalez

Masterclass oboe Eric Gonzalez in Lugo (Spain). Who?: Eric Gonzalez   www.ericgonzalezoboe.com   Where?: Conservatorio Xoán Montes, Lugo (Spain) When?: 2nd and 3th of March 2018 Price: € 80 active students / € 25 hearing students. Inscription: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3yCnTpanCBfUUdHOUJMZDhzcDU1bjNmLWtvRzBJV3doYTF3/view Do you want to organize an oboe course in your conservatory? Contact us: www.eg-reeds.com/contact

Interview with Ramón Ortega, principal oboe of BRSO.

Ramón Ortega

Interview with Ramón Ortega. Today I have the great honor of publishing the interview with Ramón Ortega, principal oboe of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra (BRSO). Many thanks to Ramón Ortega for the interview. I hope you like it. Ramón Ortega How were your beginnings in music / with the oboe? Were there more musicians […]

Albrecht Mayer oboe staples by Guercio

Albrecht Mayer oboe staples by Guercio

Albrecht Mayer oboe staples by Guercio. We are happy to add to our catalog the fantastic Albrecht Mayer oboe staples by Guercio. Guercio is very well known in the oboe world due to his high quality oboe and English horn staples.   Remember to visit our Oboe staple comparator if you like to know more about oboe staples […]


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