Maurice Bourgue. Maurice Bourgue was one of the most influential oboists of the 20th century, praised for his virtuosity and dedication to teaching. He recently passed away on October 6, 2023. We want this article to serve as a tribute to his life and the incredible oboist he was. Born in Avignon, France, in 1939, […]
The oboe in film music. Cinema is an art form that transports us to unknown worlds, making us laugh, cry, and reflect. But what would films be without music? The soundtrack is a fundamental element that intensifies emotions and immerses us even further into the story. In this article, we will explore the role of […]
Albrecht Mayer. Albrecht Mayer is one of the most famous oboists in the world, widely recognized as the principal oboist of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Born in Erlangen, Germany, in 1965, Mayer has made a significant impact in orchestral music, chamber music, and as a soloist. His talent, impeccable technique, and emotional approach to music […]
Heinz Holliger. Heinz Holliger is one of the most influential figures in the world of contemporary music, both as an oboist and a composer. Born in Langenthal, Switzerland, on May 21, 1939, Holliger is renowned not only for his virtuosity on the oboe but also for his remarkable contributions as a composer and conductor. Throughout […]
Merry Christmas and Happy 2025! The end of the year is always a perfect time to reflect, give thanks, and, why not, add a touch of humor to life. At EG-REEDS, we want to bid farewell to 2024 by thanking you for trusting us for another year. Your support throughout 2024 has allowed us to […]