Категория архива: EG-REEDS

EG-REEDS October 2020 Summary.

EG-REEDS October 2020 Summary

EG-REEDS October 2020 Summary. We bring you a brief summary of all the posts, videos, photos and interviews that we have published on our blog and EG-REEDS social networks during October 2020. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/EGREEDS/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/egreeds TWITTER: https://twitter.com/egreeds LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/egreeds YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn9OSmO6boMxg0UOACGnT5Q Vkontakte https://vk.com/ru.egreeds   We started the month with the publication of the video […]

Welcome Autumn 2020!

oboe reeds in autumn

Welcome Autumn 2020! From EG-REEDS we want to welcome autumn. We hope it will be an autumn full of good reeds and good times. We remind you that in our online store www.eg-reeds.com you can find everything you need to make oboe and English horn reeds this fall and all year round 🙂 Regards and […]

CLOSED until May 11 due to the birth of our baby 🥰🍼


CLOSED until May 11 due to the birth of our baby 🥰🍼 As we already told you in this post in mid-April we will have a baby. For this reason, our online store will be CLOSED for a few days. We will only process orders until April 3. Orders that arrive before that date will […]


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