Gouged oboe cane

American Style – Gouged oboe cane EG-REEDS.

We are happy to announce that we have a new product available on our website. Now, gouged oboe cane also with American style.

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Gouged oboe cane EG-REEDS (10 units).

Cane gouged using the latest tools for the highest precision. Our pieces of gouged canes are selected according to the high quality parameters of EG-REEDS. Our gouged cane is tested one by one with the hard test machine for perfect accuracy.



本产品有多种变体。 可在产品页面上选择这些选项
本产品有多种变体。 可在产品页面上选择这些选项
本产品有多种变体。 可在产品页面上选择这些选项
本产品有多种变体。 可在产品页面上选择这些选项
本产品有多种变体。 可在产品页面上选择这些选项


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