Reeds ‘n stuff profiling machine demo by Udo Heng.
We are pleased to announce that we’re now Reeds ´n stuff dealers. From now on we will be adding new products regularly. The first product is the profiling machine that is now available!
And we have a surprise for you recorded at Frankfurt Messe. Reeds ‘n stuff profiling machine demo by Udo Heng. We want to thank him for his kind cooperation.
双簧管哨片专业 901
双簧管哨片专业 M2
半专业双簧管 EG-REEDS
双簧管哨片专业 Mayer
初学者双簧管 EG-REEDS
双簧管刨模片 EG-REEDS (10片)
双簧管哨片 (初学者) EG-REEDS
英国管哨片 EG-REEDS
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