Clara Dent Masterclass at Nuremberg University of Music (Germany)

Clara Dent Masterclass at Nuremberg University of Music (Germany). Tomorrow is the deadline to join Clara Dent’s masterclass at the University of Music of Nuremberg (Germany) on 4-5 March 2017. Do not miss it! More information or inscription:   About Clara Dent. Clara Dent was born in Berlin. She began her oboe studies with Arthur Jensen […]

Ramón Ortega

Ramón Ortega Masterclass at Barcelona’s Liceu conservatory

Ramón Ortega Masterclass at Barcelona’s Liceu conservatory. Don’t miss the Ramón Ortega Masterclass at the Liceu Conservatory in Barcelona (Spain) on February 2nd and 3rd, 2017. More information:     Ramón Ortega The two-time ECHO Award winner Ramon Ortega Quero is recognized around the world as one of the most promising musicians of his generation. […]


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